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Ani'Kutani Indian Tribe
Native American Nation
Our Tribal Projects
Our immediate projects are to form unity with all of the Native~American Tribes, to interact via trade and commerce, to formulate our own society whereby these tribes may be adhered too operating in the "Three Devine Priciples". In so much as we may be collectively recognized globally as a one body politic and function as thus. Since this opportunity and the anointence of our Creator has arisen, we as a people can and will prevail righteously. We stand on grace times three.
Project 1.
Unity is key, Purity is power, and Love conquers all. Cultural classes, *Pawe:was, and Trade shows will enable we Natives to gain a true knowledge of self, which will help us as Native~Americans to stand tall when it comes to National Preservation, Lineage, and Inheritance.
Project 2.
Cultivate and secure the land for farming and agriculture. Reestablish our "Tribal Confederation" to become a self governing people based upon the "Declaration of Rights for Indigeonous Peoples", and "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights", along with The World Constitution, and Covenant Treaties.
Project 3.
Build Schools, Hospitals, Homes, Courts, Administrative Offices and more Consulates. Our own Security and Police Force also Sheriff's Departments. Jails or Prisons will not be so needed or in demand, because we Natives will live under the Three Devine Priciples of; Wisdom, Strenght, Redemption.
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