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About Us

Ani’Kutani Indian Tribal Nation derives it name from a long ancient history of Spiritual Guides and Leaders “Ani'Kutani” literally means “The Ancient Ones” which are the "Mound Builders" of Turtle Island in the Keetoowah language. This particular Nation is made up of many clans that consist of those Aboriginal Indians such as Quapaw, Chahta-Choctaw, Keetoowah-Cherokee, Tonkawa, Ouachita-Washita, Wampanoag, and many more.  

Our Mission

The stance this Nation will take is one of true leadership when it comes to representation for example, simply be the change you want to see, this is the approach employed at Ani’Kutani Indian Nation. Having stated, all the proper thought and structure has gone into this plan to manifest this very phenomenon given the correct entities and partners working in accordance, all while striving to reach that same goal. 

Being a Native

What it means to be a Native within Our Nation. In doing so, you will receive all of the necessary benefits, such as your Native~American credentials, in the areas of Tribal ID's, and Nation Travel documents, and flags, also Plates etc. From that point going forward, you will not stand alone. There will be Tribal Administrative staff at your disposal for those Natives in good standing to assist you with all that may be needed. Whereby, you will be able to focus on more important task such as Nation and Family building.    

Soon to come 1

"True Strength Is Found In Unity"


Classes on etiquette, and how to deal with foreign policies

 Soon to come 2

Classes on status, and how it applies in Law. 

Soon to come 3

Classes on family structure and Spirituality.

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